In the footsteps of Camille Claudel and Auguste Rodin

In the footsteps of Camille Claudel and Auguste Rodin

Heritage and history
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Follow in the footsteps of these two illustrious sculptors. Staying at Château de l'Islette, their tumultuous love affairs will certainly have led them to wander through the gentle landscapes and heritage.


  • Sur les pas de Camille Claudel et Auguste Rodin - Azay-le-Rideau

    Credit: Sur les pas de Camille Claudel et Auguste Rodin - Azay-le-Rideau - Touraine Vallée de l'Indre



  1. Vineyard lodge
    Renowned for its AOC wines, the commune has vineyards through which you will pass. Vineyard lodges, of which there are many in Touraine, were used by winegrowers and day laborers as places to rest and eat, and as shelters in case of bad weather.

  2. La Châtonnière
    Built on a troglodyte village with quarry, church, stables and underground cellars, La Châtonnière was originally a stronghold, flanked by four towers at the four cardinal points, on the Roman road used by Joan of Arc in the Middle Ages. After the Hundred Years' and Religious Wars, the austere stronghold became a charming manor house, a “house in the fields”, thanks to four women who, enamored of the Châtonnière valley, left their mark on the castle and its surroundings.....
  3. Maurice Dufresne Museum
    Formerly the Moulin de Marnay paper mill founded in 1820, in 1948 it became a cannery, then a candy factory. Purchased in 1983, the ruin became, thanks to the hard work of the Dufresne family, the famous museum that pays tribute to the industrial era with 3,000 exhibits.

  4. Joan of Arc's house
    In Port Huault, you'll discover a number of old houses, including a toll house dating from 1577 (date engraved on one of the pilasters). An old sundial is engraved in the stone.

  5. Château de l'Islette
    Completed in 1503, Château de l'Islette is an invitation to stroll. In a romantic setting, discover the story of the passionate love affair between Camille Claudel and Auguste Rodin. The current owners, Mr. and Mrs. Michaud, open the doors of their home and estate. They offer a wide range of activities throughout the summer.
  • Departure : Camille Claudel Square
  • Arrival : Camille Claudel Square
  • Towns crossed : Azay-le-Rideau and Lignières-de-Touraine


Altimetric profile

Sensitive areas

Along your trek, you will go through sensitive areas related to the presence of a specific species or environment. In these areas, an appropriate behaviour allows to contribute to their preservation. For detailed information, specific forms are accessible for each area.
The site was designated in 2005 under the Birds Directive. The Park has been coordinating the site since 2010 (initially for the period 2010-2016, then renewed for 2016-2019 and 2019-2022), in conjunction with the CPIE Touraine-Val de Loire and the Indre-et-Loire Chamber of Agriculture.

The low valleys are largely covered by natural flood meadows, which are mown and/or grazed. These meadows form large complexes that are home to rare and endangered birds: corncrake, red-backed shrike, meadowlark, spotted crake, etc.

Certain sectors are characterized by a dense bocage network, with pollarded trees surrounding the meadows (Véron bocage): this is the home of the Common Fritillary, Natterjack Toad, Great Capricorn... 

Finally, the banks of the Vienne and Indre rivers are occupied by alluvial woodlands and poplar plantations.
Impacted practices:
Aquatic, Land
Sensitivity periods:

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