Art & clay - bike route n°30

Art & clay - bike route n°30

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Pop back to the time of the crusades! Two crusaders built a picturesque church at Les Essards, which awaits a visit halfway along this trail. When you get to Langeais, indulge in one of three possibilities: visit the château and grounds, set sail on the Loire or ... why not just relax awhile on one of the sunny terraces!



  1. Donjon du Château de Langeais
  2. Belvédère Saint-Michel-sur-Loire
  3. La légende des chevaliers Macquaux à l’église des Essards
  4. La briqueterie artisanale (La Rouchouze)
  • Departure : Langeais
  • Arrival : Langeais
  • Towns crossed : Langeais and Coteaux-sur-Loire


Altimetric profile


Walking charter

  • Cherish and respect nature.
  • Listen to it, do not spoil it and do not harm it.
  • Stay on the trail and be discreet.
  • Do not damage plants or undergrowth.
  • Do not smoke in the forest or do not light fires.
  • Do not scare animals.
  • Do not neglect human contact.
  • Respect and get to know this rural world that welcomes you.
If you encounter any problem during the process of your walk, please inform us at

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