Fine wines and fine houses - bike route n°23

Fine wines and fine houses - bike route n°23

Heritage and history
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Grab hold of your handlebars and pedal off towards the vine-covered terraces and hillsides of the bourgueil and saint-nicolas-de-bourgueil appellations! Along the way, feast your eyes on some wonderful old buildings (châteaux, manor houses) as well as a dovecote here and a wash-house there ... all very rustic!



  1. Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Bourgueil : 
  2. plus de 1000 ans d’histoire
  3. Château de la Philberdière à Restigné
  4. Le coteau du vignoble bourgueillois
  5. Dégustation de vin à Saint Nicolas de Bourgueil 
  • Departure : Bourgueil
  • Arrival : Bourgueil
  • Towns crossed : Bourgueil, Restigné, Coteaux-sur-Loire, Benais, and Saint-Nicolas-de-Bourgueil


Altimetric profile


Cycling charter
  • Cherish and respect nature.
  • Listen to it, do not spoil it and do not harm it.
  • Stay on the trail and be discreet.
  • Do not damage plants or undergrowth.
  • Do not smoke in the forest or do not light fires.
  • Do not scare animals.
  • Do not neglect human contact.
  • Respect and get to know this rural world that welcomes you.
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