The tree, from roots to crown

The tree, from roots to crown

Heritage and history
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To find out all about the tree, a pillar of nature, from its roots to its crown, follow this unique trail marked out with educational and interactive panels.


  • Topoguide FR-EN L'arbre, des racines à la cime



Place de la Mairie: Make your way to Place de la Mairie, where you can admire the beautiful Angevin architecture of the 18th-century building housing the town hall. Everything has been designed to facilitate your departure: information board, parking and toilets. Walk past the town hall and, on the opposite sidewalk, you'll see the first wooden information sign with a hand drawn in red to point you in the right direction. Continue as far as the "little chapel", rebuilt in 1779, and turn left towards Les Prateaux.

  1. The arboretum: Surrounded by greenery and varied landscapes, the trails on this route are easy and pleasant to discover on foot. First, you walk along the arboretum, rich in a variety of trees and shrubs. Pay close attention, as you'll see information panel no. 1 on trees and nature on your left.
  2. Soil: A few metres further on, sign no. 2 asks if you know why the soil (which you can see on the sides of the road) is black?
  3. Poplars: Panel no. 3 talks about poplars. Did you know that it can only grow in damp conditions, and that its wood is used to make cheese boxes, among other things?
  4. Hedges: Note a long hedge made up of a dozen different shrubs
    different shrubs (borage, dogwood, blackthorn, eglantine
    black elder, privet, ...) is a haven for birds.
    home to birds. Sign No. 4 informs us about the important
    of these hedges, which provide shelter, food and... stress relief for animals.
  5. Tree age: Did you know that the age of a tree is measured by its "rings"? Go to panel 5 to find out
  6. Bark: Panel 6 tells you all about tree bark. Thick protective coverings on trunks and branches
    of trunks and branches, they can be either smooth
    depending on their nature.
  7. The volume of wood: After walking along a soccer pitch, you come to sign no. 7. From cube to stere to tonne, you'll learn that the measures used to evaluate the volume of wood vary according to region and use.
  8. Château de Gizeux: Next, head for the majestic Château de Gizeux, the principal stronghold of the du Bellay family for 350 years. If time permits, don't hesitate to make a detour to visit it. Sign No. 8 provides
    some information about this monument. Then take the
    the allée du château, lined with plane trees over 180 years old.
  9. Woodpeckers: If you don't know what the words "black woodpecker", "green woodpecker" and "spotted woodpecker" mean, you'll discover that they're "all in the same boat".
  10. Plane trees: At the end of the castle's sandy driveway, sign no. 10 is naturally dedicated... to plane trees. Return to the parking lot, the end of your walk. Thank you for your visit.
  • Departure : Place de la Mairie, Gizeux
  • Arrival : Place de la Mairie, Gizeux
  • Towns crossed : Gizeux


Altimetric profile

Information desks

Access and parking

Parking :

Car park Thierry Beaupied

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