The leisurely Loire | Alternative route

The leisurely Loire | Alternative route

River and stream
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This loop is one of the longest in Touraine, taking you past Bourgueil (see the Abbey, «Jean Carmet» wine centre and Tuesday and Saturday market) as well as its famous vineyard, and the traditional Loire boats (gabares, toues) moored particularly at La Chapelle-sur-Loire.



  1. Le marché de Bourgueil
  2. Batellerie et Loire en chansons à la Chapelle-sur-Loire
  • Departure : Bourgueil
  • Arrival : Bourgueil
  • Towns crossed : Bourgueil, Restigné, La Chapelle-sur-Loire, Chouzé-sur-Loire, and Saint-Nicolas-de-Bourgueil


Altimetric profile


Cycling charter
  • Cherish and respect nature.
  • Listen to it, do not spoil it and do not harm it.
  • Stay on the trail and be discreet.
  • Do not damage plants or undergrowth.
  • Do not smoke in the forest or do not light fires.
  • Do not scare animals.
  • Do not neglect human contact.
  • Respect and get to know this rural world that welcomes you.
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