Pierre Bise

Pierre Bise

Heritage and history
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Typical landscapes of the Coteaux du Layon for this hike that plays with the river, alternating between banks and panoramic views.
panoramic views. Not to mention a rich vernacular heritage that bears witness to flourishing economic
activities: lime kilns, bridges, castles, gatehouses...


  1. The Pont Barré
    Built in the Middle Ages, the oldest parts date back to the 13th century. Its name derives from the fact that it housed a gabelle post, which controlled access to the river. The site was also the scene of a terrible battle in 1793. The Vendéens inflicted a crushing defeat on the Republicans, whose 1,200 dead were thrown pell-mell into the Fosses Cady on the edge of the forest. On a granite base, a wrought-iron cross bearing the Sacré-Coeur and lilies commemorates this battle. The new bridge running parallel bridge only dates from 1838. The Coteaux du Pont Barré area is classified as a Regional Nature Reserve and is managed by the Ligue de Protection des Oiseaux (LPO).
  2. The Layon Nearly 90 km long, the Layon is the only river running right through southern Anjou. It gives its name to the famous Coteaux du Layon wine appellation. The Layon was made navigable in 1779 thanks to 24 locks. It became known as the Canal de Monsieur, with barges transporting coal and wine to the Loire.
  3. Château de Pierre Bise
    Wine estate - private property
  4. Château du Breuil
    Wine estate - private property
  5. Château Soucherie
    Wine-growing estate - private property
  6. Bezigon gatehouse
    Private property.
    Before level crossings were automated, the work was done manually. The post was often occupied by the wives of SNCF agents, who had to maneuver the heavy cast-iron gates every time a train was announced, all day long, 7 days a week, whatever the weather. To do this, the gatekeepers were housed on site, in small houses all built on the same plan: a living room on the first floor, 2 bedrooms and an attic upstairs, a cellar, and a shed outside.
  • Departure : Salle de sport
  • Arrival : Salle de sport

Altimetric profile

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