On the steps of the French writter Honoré de Balzac

On the steps of the French writter Honoré de Balzac

Heritage and history
River and stream
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1. Saché and its Castle - Museum of Balzac
Around a central square which boasts a mobile by Alexander Calder, you will find a magnificent 15th century house. You can visit the Chateau de Saché, favourite place of inspiration for Honoré de Balzac.

2. Le Manoir de Vonnes - Pont-de-Ruan
Balzac discovered this «little castle» and used it as the basis for the Chateau de Clochegourde, in home of the heroine of this novel «Le Lys dans la Vallée». The beautiful Indre Valley is the perfect setting for this little 17th century Chateau, which has remained unaltered since it was first built.

3. Les Moulins Lambert à Pont-de-Ruan
The Lambert watermills of Pont-de-Ruan and their waterfront garden. In a setting that invites you to a stroll, discover the small watermill and its museum, the wheels and the mechanisms explaining the production of flour, electricity and ice.

4. Thilouze
In his book «La Pucelle de Thilouze», Balzac mentions this charming village. Discover Thilouze, its historical heritage : the Gallo-Roman route, the wash-houses, castles and mansions.
  • Departure : Saché
  • Arrival : Saché
  • Towns crossed : Saché, Pont-de-Ruan, Artannes-sur-Indre, Thilouze, and Neuil


Altimetric profile

Sensitive areas

Along your trek, you will go through sensitive areas related to the presence of a specific species or environment. In these areas, an appropriate behaviour allows to contribute to their preservation. For detailed information, specific forms are accessible for each area.
The site was designated in 2005 under the Birds Directive. The Park has been coordinating the site since 2010 (initially for the period 2010-2016, then renewed for 2016-2019 and 2019-2022), in conjunction with the CPIE Touraine-Val de Loire and the Indre-et-Loire Chamber of Agriculture.

The low valleys are largely covered by natural flood meadows, which are mown and/or grazed. These meadows form large complexes that are home to rare and endangered birds: corncrake, red-backed shrike, meadowlark, spotted crake, etc.

Certain sectors are characterized by a dense bocage network, with pollarded trees surrounding the meadows (Véron bocage): this is the home of the Common Fritillary, Natterjack Toad, Great Capricorn... 

Finally, the banks of the Vienne and Indre rivers are occupied by alluvial woodlands and poplar plantations.
Impacted practices:
Aquatic, Land
Sensitivity periods:

Access and parking

Parking :

Place de la mairie - Saché

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